The UK's Largest Independent Trade Union
for App Based Drivers and Couriers

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SERU training courses and mock tests
ADCU weekly training

The SERU training course is currently postponed until further notice. We will inform you once the course is resumed.

Meanwhile, you can download the SERU material and practice the mock test we have prepared for you.

SERU material and practice tests:

TfL Private Hire Vehicle Driver’s Handbook

In order to prepare for the SERU test you need to check the private hire handbook. Please study it carefully as you will get questions from it at the TfL testing centre.

SERU learning material

TPH safeguarding course

ADCU mock tests

The union also gives our members a couple of mock tests that you can practice at home, after you finish reading the handbook above. These samples are the same as the ones presented at our weekly SERU trainings in case you were not able to book your place.